In The Last Roman DLC Campaign, Minor Sanitation Buildings yields fertility bonus. Tier IV (Canals/Fountains/Aqueduct Network/Cloaca): 12 Irrigation, +3 Fertility Bonus Tier III (Dikes/Qanat Network/Aqueduct/Sewers) : 6 Irrigation, +2 Fertility Bonus Tier II (Troughs/Canals/Latrines/Reservoir) : 2 Irrigation, +1 Fertility Bonus Minor Waterworks for Eastern and Barbarian, Major Waterworks for Romans.

All of this can be utilized for the benefit of the Civilization. Just imagine: Canals irrigating fields, Qanat channel water from far beneath the desert, Dikes controlling floods, Reservoirs reserve water for times of drought, Aqueducts carrying water far from miles away, and Sewers from countless Latrines collects the combined power of human excrement suitable for fertilizer. This simple mod aims to do this, by utilizing Water and Sanitation Buildings to be able to increase fertility of regions where it is built. Why aren't there any way to counteract this? Can't land be irrigated and fertilized to make them more suitable for cultivation? Do you hate how later in the game every region become infertile wasteland? Climate Change and repeated razing make farming unable to make enough food and income.